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Findenser - How do I clean Findenser?

PostPosted: Thu 9 Oct 2014 15:27
by Interchim
How do I clean Findenser?

Re: Findenser - How do I clean Findenser?

PostPosted: Thu 9 Oct 2014 15:28
by Interchim
Answer from Radleys FAQ :
It is recommended that Findenser is cleaned after use using the following protocol:
• Flush the internal glass surfaces with a suitable cleaning solvent such as acetone or IMS. This is best achieved
with a wash bottle. External exposed glass surfaces may also be cleaned with a suitable solvent.
• Allow washing solvent to drain into a suitable receptacle.
• Wash the whole Findenser assembly in warm soapy water, using a soft brush to clean fins.
• Rinse with warm water both internally and externally.
• Allow to air dry.
• If necessary, Findenser may be cleaned in a dishwasher. However care must be taken to limit the temperature
of the wash cycle to 50˚C.