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How to reduce formation of tubular structures on BME gels..?

PostPosted: Mon 16 Feb 2015 14:22
by Interchim
How do I reduce spontaneous formation of tubular structures on BME gels in the absence of angiogenic factors?
FAQ from Trevigen

Primary endothelial cells, such as Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVECs) form capillary-like structures in the absence of added angiogenic factors less often than immortalized endothelial cells.
Titrate the number of cells and find optimal conditions for your specific cell line. When endothelial cells make fully-formed capillary structures in response to angiogenic activators, but not in their absence, you may proceed.
Generally, reducing the number of cells per cm2 of gelled BME, results in less background or spontaneous tube formation.