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Liquid is rising into the injection port, what should I do?

PostPosted: Thu 26 Mar 2015 17:00
by Interchim
Liquid is rising into the injection port, what should I do?
Concerned instruments: puriFlash 215, puriFlash 430, puriFlash 450, puriFlash 4100, puriFlash 4250
Concerned module: valves

There are 2 possible causes for liquid rising into the injection port:

A/ The waste (valve port 6) and waste (collector) tubes are connected such that they discharge to the same place (same bottles or same drain, etc.). Thus, beyond a certain liquid flow rate, liquid may rise from the collector bin to the waste bin via the injection port.
To solve this problem, the discharges should be separated.

B/ The valve rotor is not rotating correctly.
Clean the rotor (see the instrument user manual).
If the problem persists, contact the After-sales service.