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Best Small G-protein activation assay for my tissue?

PostPosted: Wed 29 Jun 2016 11:47
by Interchim
Which is the best Small G-protein activation assay for my tissue?

Cytoskeleton, Inc. offers a large number of G-LISA and traditional pull-down activation assays to study the biology and biochemistry of small G-proteins. Our G-LISA activation assays provide an improved method of measuring the activity of small G-proteins utilizing a simple and quick protocol in 96-well format to provide extremely accurate results. To complement our G-LISA line of activation assays, we also offer the most efficiently designed and complete traditional pull-down activation assays available.

Based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technology, our G-LISA activation assays utilize a 96 well format with 12 x 8 well strips that provide the flexibility to run 1 to 96 wells (each well is a condition/treatment) at one time. This flexibility is especially important if any concentration, dose or time course analyses will be performed. Pull-downs are limited to the number of wells in each gel (usually 10-15) that will be run. The G-LISA assays are also more accurate and quantitative than pull-downs with greater sensitivity while using less material per well. The isotype specificity depends on the antibodies being used to capture and visualize the small G-proteins. We have designed both types of activation assays to specifically target RhoA and Rac1. Each of these assays can be easily modified to study RhoB and RhoC or Rac2 and Rac3, respectively. We also offer activation assays for Cdc42, Ras, and RalA. For a quick “look and see” experiment with a few treatment conditions (one drug concentration and time point), pull-downs are convenient. Pull-downs also utilize methods that are very familiar to most labs and so offer a convenient entry point for small G-protein activation assays. Besides the standard sized pull-down kits (50-80 assays, depending on protein), we also offer a starter-sized kit (20 assays) for RhoA, Rac1, Cdc42, and Ras. To screen for multiple small G-proteins, we recommend the Combo starter pull-down kit which provides 10 assays each for RhoA, Rac1, and Cdc42.