Bio-Works, a Sweden company, designs, develops and manufactures a broad product range in Uppsala.
For uses within areas of Life Sciences, Food & Beverage. |
WorkBeads™ 40 Ni
High throughput agarose media for capture of His-tagged proteins.
- High dynamic capacity
- High purity
- Excellent flow properties
WorkBeads 40 Ni is developed for capture of His-tagged proteins. Typical binding and wash buffer is 20 mM sodium phosphate pH 7.4 with 0.5 M NaCl. In order to reduce unspecific binding 20-40 mM imidazole is added to the buffer and the amount is protein dependent and should be tried out. Elution is carried out by further addition of 300-500 mM imidazole and is also protein dependent.
Media characteristics |
WorkBeads 40 Ni
Agarose content
7% |
Metal Ion capacity (μmol Ni2+/ml) |
50-60 |
Average particle Size (μm) |
45 |
Protein capacity (mg/ml) |
>60 |
Max flow rate (cm/h)
(20cm Bed Height, 5 Bar) |
600 |
pH stability |
45 |
WorkBeads™ 40 IDAhigh
WorkBeads™ 40 IDAlow
WorkBeads™ 40 TRENhigh
WorkBeads™ 40 TRENlow
Affinity chromatography media for laboratory and process scale users.
- Faster to results; simple coupling procedure
- Stable at ambient temperature, aqueous coupling solution and neutral pH
- Suitable for coupling ligands containing Sulphydryl-, Amino- or Hydroxylgroups
Not all proteins behave the same and this is the reason for having four different varieties of IMAC chemistries. Start with IDA high as this will have the best capacity and works well for most of the proteins. If proteins are difficult to desorb or are eluted with less activity it is an indication of too strong binding, in this case try IDA low. If this will not give you the result try TREN high followed by TREN low. In this way you will have good probability to find the media that will fit your application.
Media characteristics |
WorkBeads 40 IDA |
WorkBeads 40 TREN |
Agarose content
7% |
7% |
Chelating group |
Iminodiacetic acid (IDA) |
Tris(2-ethylaminoethyl) amine (TREN) |
Metal Ion capacity (μmol Cu2+/ml) |
10-20 IDAlow
50-60 IDAhigh |
10-20 TRENlow
50-60 TRENhigh |
Average particle size (μm) |
45 |
45 |
Max flow rate (cm/hr)
(20cm bed height, 5 Bar) |
600 |
600 |
pH stability |
2-13 |
2-13 |